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How did the football game begin?

Football refers to a number of sports that involve different degrees of foot-spitting to score a goal. The most famous of these sports is associated football or simply football as widely known.

How did the football game begin?

Football refers to a number of sports that involve different degrees of foot-spitting to score a goal. The most famous of these sports is associated football or simply football as widely known.

The word football refers to different types of ball games that have different rules including American football, Australian soccer rules, Canadian football, rugby and other related games.
Different forms of football can be identified in the story often as marathon games. Contemporary football rules can date from coding games in English public schools in the 18-19th century. The influence and power of the British Empire made it possible for these rules to be deployed in areas where the British had influence even outside direct control. In 1888, the Football League was founded in England, becoming the first competition from many professional football competitions. During the 20th century, various types of football were developed by creating many different soccer teams in the world.

Football Start

Early football history
The ancient Greeks and Romans were known for numerous ball games, some of which included foot wear. The Roman game Harpastum is believed to have adapted much from an old Greek play called Episkyros, mentioned in a drama of 388-311 BC. These games seem to have in common with rugby football. The Roman Cicero describes the case of a man who was killed while shielding the barber, due to a shot shot inside the barbershop.

The Roman games used the ball filled with air. The Episcox of the ancient Greeks is recognized by FIFA as an early form of football. According to the same source, cuju is the earliest form of football, which is scientifically proven. Cuju appears in the form of a manual for military exercises in the 3rd and 2nd century BC.

Documented football evidence can also be found in the Chinese manual that Zhan Guo Ce compiled in the 3rd and early twentieth centuries.

It describes a practice known as cuju that literally translates to “the ball”. The game resulted in the purpose of a leather ball in a small hole of a silk piece held stable with bamboo sticks and hanging nine feet above the ground.

During the Han Dynasty, crick games were standardized and rules were established. Various variations of this game were spread in Japan and Korea, known respectively as kemari and chuk-guk.

There are a number of traditional, ancient and prehistoric references to ball games, played by ancient people in different parts of the world. For example, in 1586, the men of a ship commanded by an English explorer known as John Davis went to the shore to play a game of football with the eskimos in Greenland.

Each match started with two parallel face-to-face teams before attempting to kick the ball to the opponent’s line and then score a goal.

American Soccer
One game, two names: Why do Americans call football differently?
American historians went into studies to find out why Americans call football differently. The word “soccer” is actually a British term that comes from the Association Football game, which itself is football that is played today. The use of the word “soccer” dates 200 years ago.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the use of the word “football” in English was in 1486. ​​The whole story begins in 1863 in England, when football and the current football called soccer associated were divided into different ways and when it was created Football Association in England, the first governing body of football.

Researchers have unveiled, unlike what they believed, that the word “soccer” originated in Britain at the end of the 19th century. The study found that the British stopped using the word “soccer” just 30 years ago.

The Americans invented their game variant, which they called simply “football” in the early 1900’s. That’s why soccer known all over the world was called soccer in America because they had already modified the soccer version European and they had put football. While the original version is called “soccer”./Flashsport24

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